Get Into Summer – Micro and Small Grants

Working with Scottish Borders Council, YouthBorders has administered a micro and small grants scheme for play equipment and summer experiences and activities delivered by voluntary and community group across the Scottish Borders. This funding is one part of the Scottish Borders deliver of the national “Get into Summer” campaign. 

Young people bowling

Get Into Summer: Impact Report

Get into Summer has realised children and young people’s right to play and have their voices heard.

Read our Impact Report to find evidence of the benefit that this programme has had on individuals and families; as well as gain an understanding of children and young people’s hopes for the future.

Borders Get into Summer has been an opportunity to demonstrate the power of grass-roots community organisations and as a result of their support more than 1800 children and young people have re-connected, played, and felt included.

About this fund...

The priority for this funding is to help children and young people most likely to be experiencing continued disadvantage and who will therefore have been particularly adversely affected by Covid-19.
This will have a particular focus on children and young people who:

Making an application

Micro Grants

(exclusively for play equipment)
  • The minimum you can apply for is £250.
  • The maximum you can apply for is £500.

Click the button below to download your Micro Grants Application Guidance and Form.

Small Grants

Small Grants (for play/social projects of activities and experiences for children and young people)
  • The minimum you can apply for is £500.
  • The maximum you can apply for is £4,000.

Click the button below to download your Small Grants Application Guidance and Form.

Deadline for applications is 30th June 2021.

Please return the completed application to YouthBorders

Successful applicants will be notified on 2nd July 2021. Successful applicants will be required to complete and return a short monitoring and evaluation form by 1st September 2021.

Click the button below to download the monitoring and evaluation form.

For further information about ‘Get into Summer’ Micro and Small Grant, please contact or call 01896 808 968.


Funded Projects

Thirty-one organisations have been awarded funding following a competitive grant application process for a share of the £30,000 fund. The fund was heavily over-subscribed with funding requests totalling £110,000. Funding amounts ranged from micro-grant award of £120 to a small-grant award of £2500. Many of the funded organisations received partial funding awards. The average grant award was £966. It is anticipated that this funding will reach more than 1800 children and young people during summer 2021.

The following organisation’s #BordersGetIntoSummer projects were funded:

  • Melrose Scout Group
  • Cheeky Monkeys (Hawick)
  • Play Borders
  • KICC (Innerleithen)
  • Borders Youth Theatre
  • One Step Borders
  • Schools Out – Peebles
  • 6th Hawick Brownies
  • Denholm Beaver Scouts
  • Ettrick Forest Sports and Recreation Club
  • Sea the Change (Berwickshire)
  • H.D FUNdamentals (Tweeddale)
  • The Highway Day Nursery (Eyemouth)
  • Lauderdale Beaver Scouts
  • Broughton Bumps, Babies and Toddlers
  • Kelso Orchard Tennis Club
  • Wilton Park and Hawick Tennis Club
  • Borders Sensory Hub CIC
  • Beyond Earlston
  • Rowland’s (Selkirk)
  • Walkerburn Community Development Trust
  • Lauder Out of School Club
  • Connect Berwickshire Youth Project – Coldstream ASC
  • The Learning Space (Berwickshire)
  • Meeting of Minds
  • Newlands Kids
  • Outside the Box (Eyemouth)
  • Playtime at Southview (Chirnside)
  • Kelso Scout Group
  • Borders Additional Needs Group
  • Bright Start Borders CIC (St. Boswells)