Support Us

YouthBorders is a registered charity. We are appreciative of the support we receive from our funders, partners, and supporters who share our vision of a youth work sector in Scottish Borders which is respected, connected and collaborative.

Our Funders

Our core work is made possible with funding from Scottish Borders Council, The Rank Foundation, NHS Borders, and Mainhouse Trust. In 2021/22 we have also had financial support from Capricorn Energy Ltd, Co-Op Community Fund, and the Community Recovery Fund.

Our project partnership work is made possible with the financial support and investment of the National Lottery Community Fund and Scottish Government Youth Work Education Recovery Fund. 

We are grateful to a number of generous local individuals, corporate sponsors, and charitable trusts who support our work with regular or one-off donations. 


YouthBorders makes every pound count, and we have engaged in community fundraising including The Kilt Walk. You can support us by choosing YouthBorders as your Amazon Smile chosen charity. If you are organising a fundraising event, please consider donating to YouthBorders. You can now donate directly to YouthBorders using our Wonderful page.

Volunteers, Supporters, and Donors

YouthBorders are continuously seeking the support of individuals and companies who can help us to achieve our aim to improve young people’s lives through their participation in youth work. 

As a voluntary organisation we require skilled and committed trustees, if you are interested in volunteering your time to support the governance of YouthBorders we would love to hear from you.

We welcome offers of support to help us to fund our core costs including costs associated with good governance and financial processes, data and IT infrastructure, and staff development and training.

As a collaborative organisation, we welcome offers of in-kind support such as the use of venues and meeting rooms for training and events.  

For further information about community fundraising, donations, sponsorship, or volunteering please contact us.